
The Good Pile

35“A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.” Matthew 12:35 NIV

Jesus gave us a visual of what the recesses of your heart look like. Stored deep inside of you are the interpretations of your life. There are two “piles” to pull from. Jesus said there is a good pile, and evil pile. How you perceive the activities and events of your life determines which “pile” is greater and most used when you respond to whatever is happening. If you are a victim instead of a victor, the evil pile wins when you act and react today. But if you are an overcomer, good will win.

Jesus said that the good person “brings good things out” of the good pile. That is, a pile of truth. A response towards justice, peace, and hope. A pile not just self-preserving, but willing to sacrifice now for good to win tomorrow. Listen to you today. Which pile are your words coming from? Examine your heart before God and let love win!

John Eaton
Pastor of RELATE Church
(214) 733-3069

Published: March 12, 2025