Our Mission

Growing relationships with God and people… bringing salvation to all.

As a corporate chaplain serving more than 2,000 employees at businesses all around the Dallas area, John is head-deep in the storms of life with people of nearly every age, religion, social status, and background. Jesus came to alter the lives of everyone He touched by giving them Truth, real answers, and demonstrating what genuine relationships look like. Moreover, He came to provide access to God without it being about religious ceremonies and man-power. Jesus had a church in mind when He was on the cross. What did that church look like? He called it His Bride. Even more personal, His body… the body of Christ…

Our mission is to form a local body that exemplifies what Jesus desired the church to be, and then we will start more churches with this DNA. Every life needs to be altered. And modern church can certainly use a fresh reminder that our Leader was born in a stable and humbly rode into Jerusalem on a donkey…and He washed His disciples’ feet.